Beyond the harmony-as-a-trip metaphor

“What Can Music Identification from Harmonic Reductions Tell Us About Chord Progressions?.” Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Music Theory Society of Mid-Atlantic (MTSMA), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, April 8, 2016.

Jimenez, I., & Kuusi, T. (2016). Music Identification from Harmony. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC14).

Unveiling the mystery of harmony

"Jazz Musicians’ Tune Identification from Harmony." Paper accepted for a spoken presentation at the Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 2017). University of Ghent, Belgium, July 31, 2017. (Abstract)

The Influence of Timbre, Harmony, and Voice-leading on Listeners’ Distinction between Popular and Classical Music. Paper to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception & Cognition (SMPC) , Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, August 1-5, 2015. (Video)

Sharing analytical listening

“Towards Better Understanding of How Academic Music Research Can Enrich Listeners’ Experiences.” Paper presented at the Twenty-first Annual Symposium for Music Scholars in Finland. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, April 19-21, 2017. (Symposium website)

Jimenez, I., & Kuusi, T. (2017). The Challenges of Aurally Connecting Structurally Similar but Superficially Dissimilar Musical Events: Important Considerations in Analytical Listening. In Proceedings of the Ninth European Music Analysis Conference (EuroMac9).

Associative listening in and as creation

“Associative Listening as a Creative Act in Composition, Improvisation, and Analysis.” Paper accepted for a spoken presentation at the Fourth International Conference “Tracking the Creative Process in Music” (TCPM 2017),  Huddersfield, United Kingdom, September 14-16, 2017.